
Items classified as prohibited are not allowed to be shipped through our service at any time. We've provided categories, brief descriptions, and examples of such Prohibited items. Please note, these examples don't cover all possibilities and the categories of prohibited items extend beyond what's specified.
Alcohol and tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco products are not accepted for shipping by the carriers.
Animal, reptile, horticurual & agricultural items
Animals, whether alive or dead, and products that contain animal skins, fur, bones, or other derivatives require permitting from the US Fish & Wildlife Service and are not accepted for shipping.
Counterfeit, bootlegged or pirated items
The US government protects company brands and their products by making it illegal to sell, trade, or ship counterfeit or otherwise infringing knockoff items.
Currency, gems, precious metals & stones
Due to the intrinsic value of these items, the carriers will not accept this category of goods for shipping.
Illegal substances, chemicals and drugs are strictly prohibited. This includes substances that are listed under the US DEA's Controlled Substances Act or chemical compounds that are similar to those substances listed on the CSA.
Plug-in powered consumer electronics are generally acceptable for shipping. However you must ensure the product does not contain lithium ion or lithium metal batteries as those are restricted from individuals tendering in shipments to the carriers. In some instances, the carrier retail location may have specialized packaging for purchase that will allow the shipping of one or two electronic devices that contain lithium ion or lithium metal batteries within the equipment. You must also ensure your product is not controlled for export under the Bureau of Industry and Security's Commerce Control List, which can be found here (these are typically highly advanced or sensitive items under technology, crime, firearms, aviation and aerospace controls).
Firearms, weaponry & military/tactical equipment
Firearms and military/law enforcement equipment is strictly prohibited from shipping via our services. The regulations controlling these items do not allow for us to provide a shipping service for export.
Gambling materials & items
Products used in the gambling and betting industry are not acceptable for export through our service.
Government restrictions
Any item which is known to be the property of the US federal, state, tribal, or local governments, as well as a foreign government are not acceptable for shipping through our service.
Hazardous materials / dangerous goofd for transportation
Many chemical substances, whether by themselves, used as an ingredient in a product, or contained in a physical article such as a machine are strictly controlled for shipping, especially by air transport, due to their potential for harming people, property and the environment. More information can be found here.
Medicines & dietary supplements
All prescription medications, including dental and veterinary, are strictly prohibited and cannot be shipped through our service. Over-The-Counter medications, dietary supplements and vitamins are generally allowed for export. However, some countries restrict or prohibit the import of these items or require the consignee at destination to obtain an import permit prior to acceptance.
Perishable items including foodstuffs
Products that are perishable or require temperature controlled transport are not permitted to be shipped. Our service is not designed to ship these types of products and often times the carriers will reject carriage, as well. Foodstuffs that arrive in unsealed containers cannot be exported, due to safety concerns. All non-perishable food items must arrive in a sealed container and meet labeling requirements. Properly packaged foods must have the following:
- Name of the product
- Ingredient list in English
- Nutrition facts in English
Pornographic materials & items
Offensive, obscene, or indecent materials are not permitted for shipping by the carriers and are often prohibited from import into many destination countries.


Items categorized as restricted may require additional investigation to ascertain whether they can be shipped using our service. Frequently, a category is labelled as restricted due to the fact that, while most items are permissible, some are prohibited. Moreover, an item that is legal for export from the US might be classified as restricted because of import permit obligations or total prohibition in a select number of destination countries.
Dental, veterinary & medical devices
Individuals are not permitted to ship products that require a prescription. This includes devices, whether for dentistry, veterinary or medical purposes. Additionally, devices that may not require a prescription, but have yet to be approved by the US FDA or other regulatory authority in the destination country are not permitted.